বুধবার, ১১ মে, ২০১১

Seed Production Program

To see the Seed Production Program of DEAPTA follow the link bellow:

শনিবার, ১২ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১১

Bondhu Chula Program

"Bondhu Chula" is a eco-friendly Improve Cook Stove (ICS). To save the environment it is important to construct "Bonshu Chula" in exchange of Traditional Cook Stove. "Bondhu Chula save time and money, reduce pollution as well as reduce health hazzard of especially women and chieldren. Besides it improve the standard of a family.

Considering this view in mind, DEAPTA interested to take a program on extension of "Bondhu Chula". In this respect, Kbd. Uttam Kumar Mozmdar, Executive Director and Mr. Razab Ali, Field worker of DEAPTA taken a two days training on construction of concrete based domestic "Bondhu Chula" at 09-10 February 2011 in Gonoshastho Kendro, Savar, Dhaka. The training program arranged by giz.

The figure shows construction of a "Bondhu Chula" practically in the training.